This guide provides an overview of using the R
for visualizing complex structural features of
network modules. NetWeaver
is motivated towards developing
a simple and flexible pipeline for visualizing the complex features of
enrichment and correlation of gene coexpression network modules. While
circos style 2D track plot is one natural choice for such practice,
existing packages are designed primarily for handling genome structure
and intervals. They are either too complicated to use, requiring certain
level of knowledge of scripting, or limited in applications to only
genomic structure data. To address these issues, particularly extend
beyond applications in genomic structure data, NetWeaver
offers a lightweight implementation of circular track plot, providing
simple and flexible R function utilities and pipelines to generate
circular images for visualizing different types of
structure/relationship data.
The original version of this package was developed for Figure 7 of Wang et al (2016) Genome Medicine 8:104, which illustrates more than 20 properties for 50 coexpression network modules with a circular track plot. Please try to cite the paper and package when you use results from this software in a publication:
Wang M, Roussos P, McKenzie A, Zhou X, Kajiwara Y, Brennand K, DeLuca GC, Crary JF, Casaccia P, Buxbaum J et al. 2016. Integrative Network Analysis of Nineteen Brain Regions Identifies Molecular Signatures and Networks Underlying Selective Regional Vulnerability to Alzheimer`s Disease. Genome Medicine 8: 104.
Wang M, Zhang B, 2016. NetWeaver: Graphic Presentation of Complex Genomic and Network Data Analysis [computer software]. doi:10.7303/syn7898789.
We demonstrate the utility of the package through visualizing complex properties of coexpression network modules. Before doing any plotting, let us first define gradient colors which will be used later on:
colfuncBlue=colorRampPalette(c("white", "blue"))
colfuncBrown=colorRampPalette(c("white", "brown"))
colfuncHeat=function(n) rev(heat.colors(n))
nCol=50 #number of colors in a gradient
Load library and sample dataset:
The loaded data object is a data.frame called Modules
Each row is a module (i.e. a gene cluster), with the module id in the
first column. The second column is ranking score computed in regard to
disease relevance. The next 4 columns are coefficients of module-trait
correlations. The rest columns are P values of enrichment for various
gene signatures. To check the structure of the imported object, we can
use command:
In this tutorial, we are going to plot the columns of
into text/barchart/histogram/heat-map using a
circos style circular track diagram. Circos plot was originally
developed for visualizing genomic strcture data, in which the features
are positional variables contained within special sequence structure
called chromosomes. Naturally, the basic building blocks of genomic data
in a circos plot are chromosomes. With gene coexpression network modules
such as in the present sample data Modules
, the structural
containers are modules (i.e. gene clusters) and the features are module
properties such as correlation coefficients and enrichment P values in
the columns. Though a gene module is different from a chromosome, it
makes the circular track plot much easier by treating a module as a
hypothetical chromosome.
Using the current package NetWeaver
, the first step of
plotting a circular track diagram is to initialize plotting parameters
from chromosome cytoband configurations. The format of chromosome
cytoband data is basically a data.frame of chromosomal position ordered
cytobands, with columns: Chr, Start, End. A brief explaination of the
cytoband data format is given in the help text of function
With gene coexpression modules, we can create hypothetical cytoband data in a way like:
Here we set module id as the chromsome name. Each hypothetical chmosome has a size of 100 with Start position of 1 and End position of 100. Initialize the plot parameters:
through which we specify the canvas to have 36 tracks, which are larger than the number of columns of input data in order to leave sufficient sapce in the middle of the diagram.
In some cases, we may want to show a subset of modules in a slice
(such as this
example) rather than the 360 degree circular plot. To create a slice
view of a subset (say top 15) of the modules, we can first subset the
data Modules=Modules[1:15,]; cyto=cyto[1:15,]
. Then we
initialize parameters by setting a value of less than 360 for parameter
, e.g.,
rc.initialize(cyto, num.tracks=36, params=list(chr.padding=0.1, slice.size=90))
After initialization, the plot parameters can be retrieved by
## $chr.padding
## [1] 0.1
## $default.tracks
## [1] 4
## $default.track.height
## [1] 0.15
## $default.radius
## [1] 1
## $default.x.length
## [1] 1
## $color.line
## [1] "black"
## $color.hist
## [1] "red"
## $track.padding
## [1] 0.1
## $num.tracks
## [1] 36
## $track.height
## [1] 0.15
## $radius
## [1] 6.28
## $slice.size
## [1] 360
## $slice.rotate
## [1] 0
## $Layout
## [1] "circular"
Please see ?rc.initialize
for an explanation of the
parameters. We can change the parameter settings through function
. For example, assume we want to use a new
color for histogram (default color red
), the following
command will reset the histogram color:
It must be noted that change of parameter will only affect the subsequent operations but not what is already done.
Prepare a new canvas (graphics frame):
Argument size
has a value of between 0 to 1, specifying
the effective size of the circle plot area in the current canvas. The
smaller the value of size
, the larger the blank area around
the circle plot. As canvas is ready, we can plot ideogram of chromosome
cytoband in the out-most first two tracks:
rc.plot.ideogram(track.ids=1:2,,, cex.text=1.0, chrom.alias=chrom.alias, track.border=NA, polygon.border=NA)
Figure 1. Ideogram
hence ideogram cytoband in track 2 is
not shown. Argument chrom.alias
is used to display
customized container id other than the original chromosome (module)
Next to ideogram, let us plot module ranking score using a barchart in tracks 4 to 2:
Rank=data.frame(cyto[,c("Chr","Start","End")], Score=Modules$Score, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
rc.plot.histogram(Rank,, data.col="Score", fixed.height=FALSE, custom.track.height=params$track.height*3, track.border=NA, polygon.border=NA)
Figure 2. Module ranking
Note that we set a customized track height as three times the default track height so that the barchart can make use of space sapnning tacks 2-4 beggining from track 4.
Starting from track 5, we will plot module-trait correlations in multiple tracks:
eigenCorCols=colnames(Modules)[grep("Rho",colnames(Modules))] #select columns with pattern Rho
maxCorr=1 #set maximum correlation coefficient
for(eigenCorCol in eigenCorCols){
track.num <- track.num+1
data.col <- 4
color.col <- 5
#plot positive correlation
HistData1=HistData[HistData$Data > 0,]
rc.plot.histogram(HistData1, track.num, data.col, color.col=color.col,
fixed.height=TRUE, track.color=track.color, track.border=track.border, polygon.border=NA)
#plot negative correlation
HistData2=HistData[HistData$Data <= 0,]
rc.plot.histogram(HistData2, track.num, data.col, color.col=color.col, fixed.height=TRUE,
track.border=track.border, polygon.border=NA)
Figure 3. Correlation coeffcients
Since we use gradient colors to show the strength of correlations, it
is helpful to add a color gradient legend to map colors to correlation
coefficient values. For this purpose, I have designed a function
to plot color legend at given
rc.plot.grColLegend(x.cor, y.cor, colfuncBrown(nCol), at=c(1,floor(nCol/2),nCol),
legend=signif(c(0,maxCorr/2,maxCorr),2), title=expression(italic(r)),
width=bwt,height=bht, cex.text=0.8)
rc.plot.grColLegend(x.cor, y.cor-bht, rev(colfuncBlue(nCol)), at=c(0,floor(nCol/2)),
legend=signif(c(-maxCorr,-maxCorr/2),2), title="", width=bwt, height=bht, cex.text=0.8)
Figure 4. Color gradient legend for correlations
Next, we will plot P value significance of enrichment for gene
signatures. We can use function rc.plot.histogram
to plot
the data track by track as for plotting correlations. But here we will
use the rc.plot.heatmap
function to plot multiple tracks of
heat-map at once:
#convert P value to -log10 scale
#cap the maximum -log10 P value so that there is a richer color pattern
rc.plot.heatmap(heatmapData, track.num, color.gradient=colfuncHeat(nCol),
track.color=track.color, track.border=track.border, polygon.border=NA)
Figure 5. Enrichment for gene signatures
Again, add color gradient legend:
rc.plot.grColLegend(x.cor+0.8, y.cor-bht, colfuncHeat(nCol), at=c(1,floor(nCol/2),nCol),
legend=signif(c(0,maxLogPval/2,maxLogPval),2), title=expression(paste(-log[10],"(P)")),
width=bwt, height=2*bht, cex.text=0.8)